Introduction to Sound Therapy and Depression
In short, Depression is a state of mind which changes the colors of every aspect of an individual’s life, where it becomes very hard to reach out for assistance or shout out for help. There are days when we all feel the shift in our moods. This usually occurs when we tend to be overcoming a certain problem, or going through some transition that is beyond our ability to comprehend. Said that, when feelings of hopelessness and sadness occur for the consistent period of time may be days, weeks, months and years then this state of mind is scientifically defined as ‘depression’. Depression doesn’t come with an invitation, it can happen for no reason, and it becomes impossible to express or address such a state of mind. It is a serious condition of mind which hypothetically paralyzes an individual’s mental and physical health. The state of depression can lead an individual to poor self-esteem and self-doubt. It is often triggered due to certain life-events, relationship issues, set-backs, or even employment issues. It can be related to hormones, health, chemical imbalances, drug use, and or due to the effects of the external environment.
The Brain and Depression -Sound healing
Chemical imbalances in the brain cause depression, it is a set of neuro-chemicals known as serotonin and dopamine that become imbalanced and affect the brain chemistry. The psychiatrist often prescribes drugs to alter the chemicals of the brain, which cause long term side effects and impact on health. As already stated depression can be caused due to different factors therefore in this case to put an individual on direct chemicals without leaving the scope for natural coping mechanism or using natural modality like ‘sound therapy’ to heal can leave the individual completely hopeless all their life.
A safe and drugless solution
In the field of Naturopathy, it is learned that our body has the ability and natural drive for self-healing if it is given the right commands. In the case of depression where the brain chemicals are involved in the mechanism, there is evidence that the sensory systems can be stimulated which the brain produces and balance the chemicals to the positive ‘emotional’ states.
The sound treatment therapy for depression stimulates the brain to initiate a process of naturally utilizing and producing some neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which initiate the depression treatment.
Additionally, it is studied and observed that left brain stimulation is the most important or integral part of the therapeutic depression healing process. Research studies stated the effect of prolonged hearing of frequency or affirmation sounds for meditation stimulates the left ‘forebrain’ centers that initiate the response of feeling of peace and happiness. At the same time, depression healing stimulation sounds of the left brain with the help of high frequency sounds to the right ear has been observed to have the equal satisfying effect.
Evidence based research indicates the capability of the human ear to handle hearing of the high frequency sounds that range between ‘20Hz- 20,000Hz’. Additionally, the frequent firing or repetition patterns tend to wire the brain, which usually is the objective of a particular sound therapy created for depression healing.
100% #Anti-Depression #Subliminal Relief
Emotional health and Well-being for depression treatment
Emotional health is a choice made every day, it is not a daily chore to choose to have emotional well-being. Therefore, changing some of the habits can certainly make a huge difference in an individual’s life. It is a privilege to feel great, and nothing no longer is important than a person’s emotional well-being and health. The reality of today is our health somehow is linked to the living environment. Chemicals, smells, noise, stress, food intolerance and pollution are the contributing factors that affect our health.
Toxins are released in the environment, which enter our bodies and make us sick. This indirectly is related to inhaling such toxins that affect even the emotional health of a person. Therefore, sound therapy is an art of empowering the mind of an individual at a subconscious level.
Sound therapy or depression treatment is an informed choice of an individual who wishes to use natural modality to heal the chemical interactions in their brain. It can be said that brain science is the new natural modality that allows the practitioners to expand their scope of healing the patient. As a practitioner myself, having used sound therapy at my clinic has given hope to many patients who were hopeless at one point after their dependence on psychiatric drug use.
Therefore, this article leaves a scope to educate and create awareness of the tremendous brain science and use of ‘sound treatment for depression’ in the healing process of those suffering from the non-clinical and clinical depression.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
© 2020 Dr Stuti Nilesh Pardhe